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Dual Language Immersion

Our Vision is to prepare students to become global citizens in a multilingual/multicultural world by providing them with the opportunity to graduate proficient in English and Spanish through participation in a well-articulated  Preschool - 12 dual language immersion program. Our Mission is to ensure that each student will graduate equipped with the linguistic, cognitive, and social skills necessary to become productive, responsible citizens,  well-prepared to engage in a dynamic, competitive global society.


1. Bilingualism: High levels of verbal proficiency in both English and Spanish. All students learn a second language without compromising their first.
2. Biliteracy: High levels of academic proficiency in English and Spanish language arts.
3. Multicultural competence: Understanding and appreciating different cultures and developing high self-esteem. 4. Academic competence: Master the California Standards in all subject areas.


The AUSD model mirrors programs across the nation. In all, the district offers:
•  A preschool program at Hodge Elementary School and Valleydale Elementary School.
•  A transitional kindergarten through fifth grade program at Hodge Elementary School and Valleydale Elementary School.
•  A middle school pathway program at Gladstone Middle School. Students will take two of their six classes in Spanish–Spanish Language Arts and grade level Social Studies.
•  A high school pathway program at Azusa High School that includes Spanish language and Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish options.


Core content instruction in a DLI program is in, and through, both languages. In preschool, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade, Spanish is used for 90 percent of the instructional day; English is used for 10 percent of the time. Delivery of instruction is only in one language during the allotted time. As students move through the grades, this percentage changes. Below is a chart that outlines these changes. The core curriculum adheres to district, state and  federal guidelines.

Dual Language Immersion Master Plan

First page of the PDF file: DLIPamphlet_ENGLISHFINALREV21
First page of the PDF file: DLIPamphlet_SPANISHversionFINALREV21