Our School
At Valleydale Elementary we create a community that fosters a safe, respectful, positive school environment that empowers student growth in academics, community involvement and personal relationships.
En la Escuela Primaria Valleydale creamos una comunidad que fomenta la seguridad, respeto y ambiente escolar positivo que promueve el crecimiento academico del estudiante, la participacion de la comunidad y relaciones personales.
Viking Chant
We are the Vikings!
The mighty, mighty Vikings!
We show respect and make smart choices.
We solve problems every single day.
We are the Vikings!
The mighty, mighty Vikings!
Valleydale Vikings! Hooray!
!Somos los Vikingos!
!Los truinfadores, triunfadores Vikingos!
Mostramos respeto y tomamos decisiones inteligentes.
Solucionamos diariamente los problemas.
!Somos los Vikingos!
!Los triunfadores, triunfadores Vikingos!
!Los Vikingos de Valleydale! !Hooray!
About Valleydale Elementary School
Valleydale provides a high-quality educational program to more than 400 students in grades Preschool through 6, including services for students with visual impairment, a Dual Immersion Program, and an after-school program called Think Together located on campus. Our students are our focus, and we work diligently to provide them with a positive school experience.
Our teachers have undergone many hours of professional development to bring research-based teaching strategies into every classroom. Teachers collaborate weekly in our Professional Learning Communities model, which focuses on effective instructional strategies including the best use of student data. That's what our teachers do each Thursday when students get out of school early.
Valleydale’s students learn through active engagement, cooperative learning strategies, critical thinking and problem-solving. Character education is emphasized through our monthly focus on positive character traits.
Valleydale is an awesome school community! Welcome!